Jenspiration provides inspiration, personal training and health coaching services to people who want to look, feel, and be their best in fun and convenient ways. Virtual and face-to-face options available.

Happy Global Running Day!

I LOVE that most days are tied to some #hashtaghholiday to celebrate! Everyday's a day to celebrate; and it's super fun when there are more reasons than you may have thought! Today's celebration is Global Running Day!

Running is an amazing way to clear your head, to get fit (all you need are your shoes) and you're off! There are often two bands of people, those who love to run and those who loathe it! I completely understand. I have a love/loathe relationship with running each year. I'm currently in the LOVE phase! 

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Jumping on the Bone Broth Bandwagon

This week, I've started a bone broth regimen. I've heard a lot about its benefits; and this weekend, two things happened that really got me into gear for jumping on the bone broth bandwagon!

I listened to an interview with a nutritionist who piqued my interest by emphasizing how amazing bone broth is for healing from the core (literally your gut) all the way throughout your body from your gut to your joints and skin; and emotionally and mentally. AND, for the first time in my life, I've been feeling tenderness in my knee joints. Ain't nobody got time for that! 
The benefits of bone broth are that it's chock full of nutrients that heal your body improve digestion, increase the amount of collagen and amino acids that protect and enhance your bones, joints, and cartilage. And, Grandma wasn't just making chicken soup for the heck of it! There are studies showing both the physical AND emotional healing power of soups! 

Let me preface this by saying, I am a meat eater; BUTI detest bones. That's been my biggest reason for not yet trying bone broth. Seriously, they gross me out! And, my husband what a doll) cuts out all bones from food before serving it so I don't gag at their sight. So, he's been the broth master.


For our first broth batch, we started out very basic. Filling a crock pot with bone marrow bones, water, and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (it helps break down the bones so that the gelatin and collagen can be released). We simmered them for 14 hours for our first batch. He strained the broth (using a coffee filter) to remove the fat and any meat; and we got about a pint of broth. 

He then put the bones back in the crockpot and repeated the process; so our second batch of bones simmered for about 24 hours. The longer you let it simmer, the more flavorful it is.

The nutritionist in the interview I mentioned, advocated for giving bone broth a try for a minimum of 4 weeks. So, that's what we're doing! It's a great way to start the day by having 8 oz of broth! I'll keep y'all posted! 

Note that broths that are sold in the store like you buy in the carton to add flavor to your foods are primarily rushed through the boiling process; and have additional sodium and MSG. So, you aren't getting the same benefit if you're using the regular ol' store bought broths. They DO sell specific bone broth that's the nutrient dense kind that you would get if you made your own; but they're a little pricey. But, ready to go - just heat and serve! 

Here are links to a couple of recipes, including a meat version; (by the way, I LOVE Nom Nom Paleo and use a lot of her recipes) and a vegan version for broth! 



Hey, Sugar!

Hey, Sugar!

Nutrition can be confusing. Food packaging, differing opinions that seem to flip flop on what's good for us one week and not the next. Grocery shopping! Food labels! Ahhhhhh!!!

For many years, I struggled with food. Meticulously logging my calories, giving up "bad foods" only to binge on them later. It weighed me down mentally & physically. I've been free from that mindset for a decade now; and the independence is glorious! Part of that journey was stopping labeling foods as "good" or "bad". 

I've heard many people recently start to label fruit as "bad" because of its sugar; and it makes me take a step back. Because I'm a believer in getting in as many fruits and veggies as possible. Fruits do have sugars in them; and if you're diabetic, then, having too much fruit can be detrimental. 

And, sugars sometimes cause inflammation, so you might have to be mindful of the amount of fruit you eat. So, what does that look like?  The chart below shows the sugar and carb contents of different fruits. Keep in mind that the carb count includes total carbs which equal sugars, starches and fibers.

There aren't good and bad foods. There are only foods to have more of; and foods to have less of :D Eat what makes you feel like  your best! Eat to nourish yourself! And, keep in mind, what that looks like for you, might be different from what it looks like for someone else; and can and does change over the years. 

See how you can cut down on any extra sugars this week. 

What are some lower sugar options that you can swap out? 

Thoughts on the NYT Biggest Loser Article: My Body's Fighting Me

The Biggest Loser

A recent article in the NY Times has been really popular this week. It follows the story of 14 contestants from the tv show, The Biggest Loser; and how all but one have regained most, if not more, of their weight 6 years following their appearance on the show.

The headlines from the article and what's being promoted the most is that the research is showing that their bodies are fighting to get back to the weight that they were.  Many would stop reading the article there; and throw their hands up and say "SEE! I KNEW it! My body is fighting me." But, there's more to the story and more research to be done. The researchers are trying to find out the role of hormones and resting metabolism (how many calories your body needs at rest).

I'm dismayed by the article. Don't get me wrong, I used to love; and still admire Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper; and all of the contestants for their bravery, courage and strength. But, I could only handle watching one season of the show. because it's not realistic. 

I believe that it's awesome to have role models; and to see that weight can come off; and that transformations are possible. BUT, they are REALITY TV shows; not realistic tv shows. The contestants exercise for over 7 hours a day; and are on strict diets and monitored by doctors and professionals. When they go back home after the show, they are asked to work out NINE hours/day and watch their food. Of course, your body's going to change rapidly if you're at that level of intensity; and science has always shown that are bodies are really good at adapting. We have to continually change things up in order to see change. 

What I fear is that so many who see the article; and who have battled with yo-yo dieting and a slowing metabolism will say, "If it didn't work for the people on the Biggest Loser, how do I stand a chance?!" The study didn't have a control group; and is a small sampling of people who went through EXTREMELY rigorous methods to lose their weight. Yes, everyone wants their weight off stat. Sustainable weight loss happens gradually. Just like how it comes on. It takes a commitment to a healthy lifestyle and choosing foods that nourish you and being active. Transformation is possible and does happen! 

Being healthy is more than a number on the scale. It's about feeling healthy, vibrant, energetic and alive! Feeling like you're treating your mind and body with care. Nourishing yourself and thriving! By doing those things that enliven you, the weight will come off, your outlook changes, and you feel amazing. 

Our bodies are capable of SO much! Even lasting transformation. What I want to know about is the one person from the show who HAS been successful. I'm willing to bet that she's got an amazing attitude, and shows her body and mind love and tenderness. And, doesn't look at it as a fight or a battle. But, as a journey. 

I'm asking you to be patient. Trust your journey; and work on feeling healthy and fit. Stay the course. You might drop half of your body weight in three months. Chances are you won't. And, that's OK. It's OK to be where you're at in your journey and to want to be your healthiest self. Make excuses for being healthy. Make excuses for being fit and active. You've got this! 

It comes down to simple, doable actions:

Eat healthy. Move more. Feel good! 

I love the quote below; and make just one little amendment: POSITIVE Energy and Persistence Conquer All Things!"